Klau y Ros

International Professional Dancers


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Klau y Ros

International Professional Dancers

About Me

Hello! I’m Hampton Ryan.
I have rich experience in protection valuable digital assets, defend against cyber threats, and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Age: 24
  • Residence: USA
  • Freelance: Available
  • Address: California, USA
My Services
Application Security

Fundamental role is to troubleshoot concerns that include company organisation and implemented strategies.

Payment Systems Security

Provide security applications of information and payments for the company, business development of the organisation.

Strategy Consultation

The market for strategy consulting services consists disciplines: Corporate Strategy, Economic Policy, Mergers.

IoT Security Assessment
Our experts provide IoT security capability to the wider ecosystem. Validate virtually any connected device of attacks.
$ 29 hour
  • Penetration Testing
  • Application Security Assessment
  • ICS Securityno include
  • IoT Security Assessment
  • Risk managementno include
$ 59 hour
  • Penetration Testing
  • Application Security Assessment
  • ICS Securityincluded
  • IoT Security Assessment
  • Risk managementincluded
Fun Facts
80 Albumes Listened
15 Awards Won
1 000 Cups Of Coffee
10 Countries Visited